No couples could have ever predicted when they set their 2020 wedding date that they'd have to postpone. COVID:19 has thrown a massive curveball into this year's wedding season (& other events)!
If you're one of those couples, then it's completely okay (& understandable!) to feel angry, heartbroken & confused. But remember that your day isn't cancelled, it's postponed - so you will have your special day as a couple, whether in 2021 or 2022 & it will be even more magical when it finally arrives.
But I think it's really important that you acknowledge your original wedding date, especially as you may well have picked that date for sentimental reason such as an anniversary, late loved ones birthday, or perhaps you're like me & hate odd numbers so your wedding date is the most even numbered, matchy-matchy date you could find! (Seriously, got engaged on 02-02-2020 & getting married on 12-12-2020..!)
So here are 10 ways in which you could celebrate & honour your original wedding date:
1) Raise a toast (to the two of you) - seriously this situation isn 't easy! But the two of you have dealt with it, stayed sane & maybe even re-arranged your whole wedding for later in the year/next year, & that deserves a massive cheers to you both!
2) Write each other a love letter - perhaps you were planning on writing your other half a card or letter to open & read on the morning of your big day. So why not still do this on your original wedding date - something to read, enjoy & treasure forever! And the added bonus is that you both can still write one on the morning of your new wedding date & so then you have 2 love letters to keep forever <3
3) Revisit where you got engaged - I know this won't be possible for everyone to do in person but if you got engaged locally to where you live, take a walk & revisit that special spot & moment in your life. If you got engaged slightly further afield, why not take a look on Google Earth to see your special place!
4) Host a date night - let's be honest, for most of us, lockdown has meant that we've lived in either gym gear or comfies & eaten dinners on our knees in front of the TV for the last goodness knows how many weeks! So why not dress up (who else cant remember the last time they wore a proper bra?!), cook something special (or order takeaway), light some candles & eat at the table with a nice glass of wine.
5) Host a Zoom call with your favourite people - who knows how long it'll be before we're allowed to see multiple friends & family in-person?! So why not host a Zoom call & spend part of your special day with those people who are going to make your new wedding date so very special.
6) Shut off your phones & have a day at home (with no distractions) - perhaps you'd rather keep this day just about you as a couple. So turn of those iPhones, close down the laptop & just enjoy a whole day of being together.
7) Ask your wedding florist to make you a mini wedding bouquet - we know bridal bouquets aren't the cheapest so you might not want to do an exact replica of what you're going to have on your big day, but how lovely would it be to have a little taste of your wedding day in your home on your original date.
8) Make a donation to a charity that means a lot to you as a couple - mark your original special date by helping others. What an amazing way to mark the day by knowing that you've both made a difference to someone else's life. It doesn't have to be a massive donation either - a little goes a long way!
9) Listen to your first dance song - you've choosen this song because it means something to you as a couple. So why not play it on your original date & remind yourselves of exactly why you love that song so much (& each other). You might even want to take to the floor (your living room floor that is) & have a dance. Let's be honest, most of us could do with practicing a few more times anyway..!
10) Do some wedmin/wedding DIY - I know that as you postponed your wedding so close to the date, that it's all planned down to a Tee! But why not make something or think of something extra on your original wedding date that you'd like to include on your new date. You might not even tell anyone else the significance of it, but when you see it included on your big day, you as a couple will know just how much of a special addition it is!
Remember that your wedding date may be postponed, but you still are very much a couple who are in love & want to get married & that is very much worth celebrating!
And remember that if you need any help with your postponement plans (sending out change of dates, finding a new venue or supplier), then I'm here to help! And all couples affected by COVID:19 get 20% off.